DC rebuilds the JLA with their most iconic characters
...And also Cyborg |
I was debating whether or not I should write about this subject but ultimately I figured I might as well as it deals with several lingering issues that I was planning to address anyway and is really the biggest news story in comics right now. It’s going to be a pretty stone cold nerdy blog though, I’m afraid.
So for those of you who haven’t heard (And if you indeed haven’t heard than you must not read comic books regularly) but
DC Comics is rebooting the
DC Universe following the current crossover “
Flashpoint”. Well “reboot” may be the wrong word as DC has been claiming it’s not a proper reboot. Plus all of the details have yet to be made clear. As I understand what’s happening is that DC will be canceling all their titles and starting in September start releasing 52 new titles, most of which will simply be re-numbered issues of their catalogs (
Superman #1,
Batman #1, etc.). At the same time, apparently due time travel madness as seen in Flashpoint (Though honestly I’m not 100% sure about that), the DC Universe continuity will be noticeably altered although to what degree I don’t know. I’ve heard people say that it’s a full on new continuity and other people say that
Batman and
Superman are being made drastically younger ala
Spider-Man: One More Day and there’s a lot of rumors spinning around the internet. What we do know for sure is that it seems the vast majority of heroes are getting “updated” costume changes. Seeing as I’m of the opinion that massive retcons in general are normally just an excuse to re-use old plots I’m not super into this news.
The reason for this change is apparently to give new readers a jumping on point. New readers, huh? It seems like DC and Marvel Comics are always trying to gain these “new readers” and it always seems to involve revised origins, massive retcons and new #1 issues. I’m not sure either company have ever been really successful in the long term using this strategy but, hey, just because it didn’t work the last few times doesn’t mean it won’t work this time. Or the next time. Or the next time after that.
Pictured: DC's 2009 "Bold New Change" for Batman
New Readers Gained: Apparently Not Enough |
I’m trying not to be too put off by all of this since as of this writing I do not know all the details of this new direction and am still months away from being able to read anything (Though I suspect a lot of things will be revealed during the San Diego Comic-Con). Still what little I do know makes me feel like DC is about to make a huge blunder and isolate a lot of long time readers. Plus I feel what I have heard form DC is the same B.S. I’ve hard for years about “Bold New Directions” and “Never Be the Same” and all that noise. For now I’m cautiously pessimistic: I’m concerned but I’ll keep an open mind.
DC also announced that they’d be releasing digital version of the titles the same day the print versions come out. A lot of people are excited about this but I HATE digital comics with a fiery passion so all this says to me is “Yet another step until comic book shops go the way of arcades.”
More about the Reboot after the jump.